
Huh… USE PAPER? That just might work. As you learned many years ago, papers are effective at getting rid of rocks. And exam essays are effective at getting rid of commas. Er, asterisks? Whatever that thing in the sky is. And then… well, then you might finally get a chance to find your own happy ending.

In any case, between the test booklets from 2022 and the blueprints from 2021, you ought to have plenty of material to spare. No more papering over the cracks: you’re ready to solve this once and for all.

Congratulations! You’ve finished Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2022 (for real)!

That’s it! WHACK TO THE FUTURE. While you don’t have enough power to destroy the asteroid, you do have enough to deflect it to a later time. I’m sure that you’ll be able to deal with it then. Procrastination has never steered you wrong before. The asteroid is no longer your problem, it’s future-you’s problem. Galaxy saved, you go back to finishing your exam. Eh, do you really need to? You can always retake it on the next testing date…

Congratulations! You’ve finished Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2022 (for real)!

Congratulations, you’ve obtained AIR HORNS. You can now express your displeasure towards all the bad drivers who don’t signal when changing chronological hyperlanes.

But you’ll need more than one device to stop the asteroid.

Congratulations, you’ve obtained a THYME SCALE. This kitchen device for measuring seasonings also doubles as an instrument critical for astrotemporal navigation.

But you’ll need more than one device to stop the asteroid.

Congratulations, you’ve obtained a SHUTTLECLOCK. This vehicle will help you weave around the warps in the fabric of spacetime.

But you’ll need more than one device to stop the asteroid.

Of course! You needed a GAP YEAR in 2021 to… huh, you can’t remember. Prepare for this exam? Travel the world? Look for your glasses? Well, there’s definitely a gap in your memory there.

As you ponder what you did last summer, you notice the space in front of you start to distort. A swirling rift suddenly opens a few meters ahead. Well, this is certainly more interesting than standardized testing. You step inside and find yourself in…

Yes! Exactly what you need to pass the test is MORE TIME! One hour is not nearly long enough for this difficult exam. You sit back and put your hands in your lap. Time passes. Then it passes some more. Time continues passing. Everything is going smoothly.

Congratulations! You’ve finished Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2022!

Please wait a short moment while we compute your scores.